The brief was to subvert the normal sequence of a book in an intelligent way. My inspiration came from a friend who once saw a man on the tube in rush hour reading a book he was clearly bored by. Not even half way, he began skipping pages at speed and flicked right to the end, read the last page through and slammed the book shut.
My version of this is a book called 'A Book For The Man With No Time For Reading' . The first page of the novel is printed in full, followed by a double-page spread showing a Character List, the book's Themes, and a Synopsis of the plot.
The main text of the book is sealed within the binding, so the reader has the choice to open it by cutting the paper manually and reading the whole book as normal if they wish. If still not sold, they can skip straight to the final chapter by simply turning one extremely thick page, and see for themselves how the book ends.
If the book remains sealed, it can be returned to the bookshop and a third of the cost of the book reclaimed.